Friday, May 4, 2012

New socks

Remember the yarn I received in a contest?

Yarn in the mail today = good day :)
the yarn!

Well, it became two cute little yarn cakes...

Here we go: Sereknity sport weight in the color way SleepyEyes that I won in a contest! It's the brightest and most colorful yarn I've ever used! #yarn

...which became two cute little toe cups!

I will never tire of cute little sock cupsĀ  #knitting #socks

I am so excited about this yarn and the colorful socks it is becoming! The yarn is sport weight and I'm using size 3.0 mm circular needles from Knit Picks. One of my LYS stocks and sells a huge variety of Knit Picks needles which is great because then I don't have to pay for shipping :)

Let's end this post with a cute photo of Berny, shall we?

May 4th: Berny says, "There aren't any birds here, but check out @kristinep_photo's two cuties, Mozart and Flash. The cutest birds with the greatest personalities!!" #photoadaymay #cat

May the Fourth be with you! -- Happy Nerd Day!


  1. wonderful color~ can't wait to see the finished product! berny is adorable...*S*


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