1. A friend on Instagram recently started dyeing yarn and each colorway is absolutely gorgeous!
I have shown you the top skein before, it's Roxanne; I purchased it last month from Vanessa before her shop opened. The other two colorways are Across the Universe (left) and Loch Nessa (right). Aren't they so pretty?! It's hard choosing a pattern for them.
Loch Nessa |
She just dyed some springy colorways too! Visit her website,
Lynai Yarns, for yarn and other pretty things :)
2. I have also shown you the skein on the right before (I bought it in Portland last summer) but I recently added to my Opal Vincent Van Gogh collection!!
I might go back and buy a few more... these Van Gogh yarns just make me so happy. I am pretty sure they will be plain, stockinette socks. I have seen this yarn knit up and the colors alone make the socks.
3. Wonderful Dag sent me a great package a few months ago (which I realize I never wrote about!! erg!) with this roving that she processed and hand-dyed:
and I spun it up!
It's about 76 yards of worsted weight yarn!! I love the colors so much, and it was a lot of fun to watch the colors emerge when I was spinning it!
April is going to be a busy month for projects! I hope I can keep up. Progress photos as soon as there is progress :) but I'll tell you there are two cross stitch projects, one mystery knit a long for fingerless mittens, some mice and hay bales, and another Hitchhiker (for my aunt). And I really want to cast on socks with the Lynai yarn!!
Today is my Friday because I have the day off tomorrow! Woo hoo :) Hope you guys have a great weekend!
(p.s. I decided to add a word verification in order to post a comment because I was receiving a lot of spam comments. I know it's kind of a bother but hopefully it's not too annoying! if you have any suggestions/comments about it, you can always email me too, at starshineluck @ gmaildotcom)